Gail Hartridge, The Tax Institute: Algorithms, discretions and decisions in the "Robo" age, paper presented at The Tax Institute's 21st Annual State Taxation Conference, 3-4 November 2021
Gail Hartridge, QCAT Reviews: How to Navigate the Snakes and Ladders, paper presented at Legalwise 4th Annual Property Law Conference, 20 March 2018.
Gail Hartridge, Legislation and Case Law Update: State Taxes and CGT, paper presented at Legalwise 3rd Annual Property Law Conference, 14 March 2017.
Gavin Rebetzke, Book Review: Creighton & Stewart's Labour Law (2016) 77 (November) Hearsay.
Gail Hartridge, Property Tax Issues: Duty, Land Tax and GST, paper presented at Legalwise 2nd Annual Property Law Conference, 8 March 2016.
Gail Hartridge, Property Tax Issues: Duty, Land Tax and GST, paper presented at Legalwise 2nd Annual Property Law Conference, 8 March 2016.
Gail Hartridge, Case law update: What's new in administrative law?, paper presented at Queensland Law Society Government Lawyers Conference, 21 August 2015.
Gail Hartridge, Commercial Contract Disputes in a Government Context, paper presented at Legalwise Government Lawyers Conference, 12 March 2015.
Gavin Rebetzke, Industrial Court Subject to Judicial Review (2010) 97 (March/April) Precedent.
Gavin Rebetzke, Book Review: Tribunals in the Common Law World (2009) 36 (August) Hearsay.
Gavin Rebetzke, Evidence by Interpreter: Be Prepared! (2009) 93 (July/August) Precedent.
Gavin Rebetzke, Evidence by Interpreter: Be Prepared! (2009) 93 (July/August) Precedent.
Gavin Rebetzke, Families Behind Bars Stories of Injustice, endurance and Hope Book Review (2008) 28(June) Hearsay.
Gavin Rebetzke, Appellate Practice Book Review (2008) 28 (June) Hearsay.
Gavin Rebetzke, Enhancing Open and Accountable Government (2008) 25 (April) Hearsay.
Gavin Rebetzke, Appellate Practice Book Review (2008) 28 (June) Hearsay.
Gavin Rebetzke, Enhancing Open and Accountable Government (2008) 25 (April) Hearsay.